
The world is often portrayed as dark, but I don’t want to live in the dark. My choice is to see life as a gift, hence I am grateful to be here. My goal is to express the beauty of life as that is how I experience it, in my work, light and inspiring, to be a creator and to share that with others.

With my work I hope to add value, enhance the (spatial) experience and bring joy. It is important to me that the image is more than just a pretty picture, that it surprises and/or makes the viewer think in a creative way.

An art assignment we make together. The creative process is a journey together with the client in which we explore and inspire each other. I strive to translate the ideas and wishes of the clients into a design that represents what they have in mind in a surprising way. That’s my challenge.


For me, my computer and my photo camera are my main mediums. I, like the painters of the past, try to explore the limits of reality through new experiments. That is how for example Mondrian’s work inspires me. His image is one of the foundations on which my experimental work is built.

Working in interaction between reality and illusion has always intrigued me. On the one hand the image and on the other hand reality and how they can communicate with each other or even become one. Can they togethercreate a friendlier and more inspiring experience for individuals? These are the questions that I want to go on exploring with my fellow designers, manufacturers, architects and clients.

My story

At eighteen year I quitted school and together with my then boyfriend we took over a publishing house in distress. By working very hard we were able to make this a success with three weekly papers and related activities in publicity. The business flourished, but I kept missing something to be truly happy.

After fourteen years I took a big leap, bade farewell to the publishing house and moved to Florence taking a sabbatical. I wasn’t prepared but this was the beginning of a whole new journey in my life.

I was looking for growth, movement, development, a new opportunity and decided to go back to school. In 2004 I was allowed to go to the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (Royal Academy of Art – KABK) and graduated in 2009 with the 3D artwork Caleidoscopia.

This is where my new life as a visual artist started and to my great joy the interest in my work grew, even in my beloved Italy. To my surprise, I received an invitation from the Venice Biennale in 2015. The following years I spent most of my time in Venice and in a completely new life I got to know many new people, a new language and culture that has given my life new dimensions. I already had the Dutch independence thinker in me, the Italian artist of life was embedded.

I enjoy now to bring my experiences from both worlds together.